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Innovation in feminism

Ellen Degeneres The first actress to came out live
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Ellen DeGeneres in september 2012, in his introduction at the Hollywood Walk of fame (famous district of Hollywood)

Ellen DeGeneres taking a selfie with Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts and Meryl Streep at the 2014 Oscars the 2nd of March. (This photo is one of the most liked on instagram and internet in general with over 1,319,116 likes)
Simone de Beauvoir an avant-garde women

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Simone de Beauvoir in 1967
2ème image Simone

Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre in 1960
The suffragettes a noble revolt
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This photography represents Emeline Phankurst holding a sign with the inscription “Vote for Women”. She was doing this to protest against the law in the UK (She also created the WSPU: Women Social and political Union in 1903)

Emeline Phankurst arrested in front of the Buckingham in London. She was trying to present a petition to King George V, in may 1914
Bouton drapeau fr