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Innovation in feminism

Simone de Beauvoir an avant-garde women

Who is Simone
Simone-Lucie-Ernestine-Marie Bernard de Beauvoir or Simone de Beauvoir was born on 9 January 1908 in Paris. She received a middle-classe and religious education. She is known worldwide for having written unforgettable books such as "The Second Sex" in 1949 and "The Mandarins" in 1954
Because of the enormous intensity and she was one of the pioneers*of women's literature. Simone de Beauvoir is a philosopher, novelist and letter writer who represents the French existentialist movement with Jean-Paul Sartre. In the course of the 20th century Simone de Beauvoir was one of the most recognizable and important feminists,
She was inspired by Olympe de Gouges (Olympe de Gouges was a very important feminist during the French Revolution, in fact she defended the rights of women as well as feminism before being guillotined on November 3, 1793 at the Place de la Concorde in Paris)
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Simone de Beauvoir in 1967
Why is Simone de Beauvoir seen as an important feminist figure?
In October 1945 Simone de Beauvoir founded with Sartre "Les Temps Modernes", a literary, philosophical and political review which was quite close to the French Communist Party, indeed it lasted until at least 1950 and was published every month until her death.
In 1954, she wrote Les Mandarins, a book that tells the story of a group of left-wing intellectuals at the end of the Second World War in a violent and tyrannical* society.
Simone detailed their life, the isolation they suffered and their lack of influence (in this novel we can recognize Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus , as well as Simone de Beauvoir herself) (She also got the Goncourt* prize after the publication of this novel)
Around the 1970s and the success of her book "Deuxième sexe", Simone became an activist for the cause of feminism and participated in the women's movement. Simone signed the "343 manifesto for free abortion" and became president of the League of Women's Rights. She also fought against sexism and domestic violence (by supporting actions against)
We also learn that in 1969 the CIA (Central Intelligent Agency) wrote a report against Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre mentioning that he had helped (financed) a network of activists against the United States in 1960
Simone died at the age of 78 on 14 April 1986 in the 14th district of Paris, her health deteriorating rapidly after the death of Jean-Paul Sarte, who was very dear to her in 1980 (Simone was buried in the same grave as Sartre so that she would never be separated from him)
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Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre in 1960

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Pioneer: A person who is the first to accomplishsomething in a particular field
Tyrannical: A tyrannical, authoritarian and oppressive government.
Prix Goncourt: The Prix Goncourt is a French literary prize for French- speaking authors, created by the will of Edmond de Goncourt in 1892. The Goncourt Literary Society, known as the Goncourt Academy was officially founded in 1902 and the first Goncourt Prize was proclaimed on December 21, 1903.

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